Wulfie's Wurld

An island of questions in a sea of confusion.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Commentary: 51%

I guess I need a few things explained to me. I keep hearing, from the Republican side of things, how the Democrats are blocking anything from getting done. The country has all these problems, but they can't get fixed because of the Democrats. Statements like that confuse me.

We have a governmental harmonic convergence more rare than the planets lining up. The Republicans have seven of the nine Supreme Court Justices where the so-called "swing vote" was a Republican. The Executive branch is filled to the gills with Republicans and led by one who is apparently unable to even spell the word "veto." The Republicans have a majority in not only the Senate, but the House. In theory, they should be able to do anything they want and the Democrats can't do a thing about it. All they need is 51%. That 2/3 stuff only kicks in when there's a V-E-T-O.

So how can the Democrats "block" anything?

But let's assume for a moment they can. Let's also assume that by the end of election year 2006, through some miracle or disaster (you decide), the Democrats have the majority of the House and Senate. "Majority" means basically "51% or more." What this means is that the roles have changed. Doesn't this also mean that the Republicans will now be able to block the Democrats from doing anything? Won't the same tools, if such tools exist, be available to the Republicans?

If all this is true, then it seems that the minority party can effectively keep the majority party from getting anything done. This means that Congress, both Houses, is totally ineffectual. Perhaps the best solution is to get rid of Congress altogether. Granted, we'll lose one of the Checks and Balances to the government, but since they haven't done a whole lot of checking and balancing of late, we won't miss them. Think of the taxes we'd save. And on the brighter side, the Lobbyists won't have anyone to bribe, and will therefore be worthless, and the companies that employ them will fire them and could pass the savings on to their customers.

Hm. Less taxes and cheaper goods and services. Does anyone see a down side to this?

Put simply, the only thing Democrats can do at this point is talk. They have no power to stop ANYTHING that the Republicans are committed to passing. That's why they need to start winning elections.

If Congressional GOP'ers let the words of a few powerless Democrats stop them from enacting policies they believe in, that's their fucking problem!
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