Wulfie's Wurld

An island of questions in a sea of confusion.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Commentary: Myopic Hindsight

We've all heard the phrase "20/20 Hindsight." That means what we couldn't see ahead of us became painfully clear once the deed was done. I think it was Einstein who said something like "Life is the harshest of school teachers. First it gives the test, then it teaches the lesson." Most of us prefer to study things out in advance, since our foresight is often faulty, to mitigate any potential consequences. When we slack off and don't do the homework, we often make mistakes that become clear after the fact. At least, that's the case for most of us. I understand there are some exceptions.

The following is a statement that was said by a person with more intelligence resources available at his fingertips than any other person in the free world, and probably more than any other person period. The following is what President Bush said the day before the 2006 mid-term elections:

"Republicans are going to turn out. It's going to be a great victory on November the 7th."

I see one of three possibilities with that statement. He either believes it, or he doesn't. I know that sounds like two possibilities, but bear with me.

First, if he doesn't believe it, then basically he's lying through his teeth. There are, of course, some who will suggest that comes as no surprise since he's been lying about things since he took office. But if he's lying, then he's basically a dishonest politician, the kind America has been dealing with for a couple centuries. No problem, we can do that. We also have to wonder about whether lying is considered to be one of his famous family values, or whether the other so-called values are simply more lies to further some other agenda. But let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume, as we usually do, that he believes he is telling the truth.

Okay, so if he believes that statement, then we have to assume that he has not been paying attention to anything going on in the country for the past year or more. Perhaps he doesn't need to. He has advisors to tell him what to do and say. This leads to some areas that may be considered by some to be kind of scary. Are these advisors morons, or liars? And who, exactly, did we elect? Him? Or the advisors. If he is this out-of-touch with reality about things like elections, one could possibly ask if there are other things he is radically out of touch with. Both possibilities do not bode well for the rest of us.

The third possibility is that he was hoping the Republicans would turn out in huge numbers to vote for Democrats to give them the great victory he referred to. This possibility provides some comfort. It suggests that the president is not out of touch with reality and is being honest about what needs to be done in this country. If that's the case, then this was a good start, and we should keep going over the next few years until everyone left who claims to be a Republican has been given the boot. I don't think he was referring to a Democrat victory, however.

So now, the day after the election, does he still think it was a Republican victory? Does he still think the Republicans should "stay the course?" I suppose it depends on his hindsight. Perhaps a cane and some dark glasses would be in order.

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